Small but perfectly formatted

As I listened to the radio yesterday, I was heartened by an interview with a software designer, who is one of Europe's leading games developers. Helped by the strong dollar, he explained how he is selling his products in an ever-expanding, worldwide market. It occurred to me that there are many 'invisible' exporters in the UK, who will continue to do well in a post-Brexit Britain.
Last week I was invited to participate in the Forest Authors' Festival and spent two very successful days with my pop-up bookshop, being filmed by Creates Magazine, interviewed by the press and generally networking. At the end of the final day, I was invited to take part in a 'Small Business Saturday' event, being hosted by the Market and Coastal Towns Initiative in December. I was about to decline on the grounds that I am not a small business, when I realised that all authors are.
We make our own product
We promote it
We keep accounts and make tax returns
As if to reinforce this view, I examined my website hits and my royalty statements, and both confirmed interest from France, Germany, New Zealand, U.S. and Canada. There was even one sale in India.
As I look down the valley from my garret at the top of Orme Towers, the world is suddenly on the doorstep.
Long may it continue.