Accidental Cats
‘There are no ordinary cats,’ Colette, the French writer once wrote. My new collection of collection of poems celebrates the extraordinary cats I have met across the years. Some have seized large slices of my life in their tenacious claws, while others have padded softly on the fringes of my existence.
Some have drawn blood, or presented me with a dead mouse at three in the morning, while others have existed only in those ephemeral, virtual worlds, such as Twitter.
It matters little where I have encountered them, because each one has left an indelible paw mark on my being. They have brought joy and sadness in equal parts. They have engendered a sense of awe and wonder, frustration and pleasure. In times of trouble, they have brought solace, soothing unease with their healing purrs, but they have also visited me with grief at their loss.
Now, I invite you to meet my clowder and to share their stories.
My book has been republished in a more accessible format. It includes black and white images and 'Paw Notes' about the stories behind each poem. It will also be available worldwide in paperback and on the Kindle platform.